Winchester Book Talk

I am looking forward to giving part two of my book talks on the Western Desert Campaigns, in Winchester tomorrow. Having given separate talks on Churchill’s Second Darkest Hour, the Birth of British Special Forces and Giants of El Alamein, I know how tricky it is to condense all the World War II material into one 45 minute talk.

There are some stirring anniversaries at this time of the year with the Siege of Tobruk and the Battle of Gazala this month and the visit of HM King George VI in June, when he presented a Field Marshal’s baton to Viscount Gort for the part he played in securing the freedom of Malta.

Since we are also approaching the 80th anniversary of the Normandy Landings, I will include a comparison of the two theatres of war and show how the neglected 1942-43 North African campaign was every bit as tough as the 1944-45 fight in Western Europe.

HRH King George VI in Monty’s Humber, being cheered by soldiers in Tripoli in June 1943

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